With Banks:

Pay bills online (from your bank). It's safe and you can save the cost of stamps.

Quit writing checks to pay bills via postage stamps whenever possible. Most banks offer a reasonable on-line bill payment solution.

Use your own bank/credit union's ATM whenever possible, save on fees.

Do your banking with one that has free overdraft protection.

Use credit card rewards programs and pay off your monthly bill in full every month.

Food Savings:

Shop at local stores for pricing, then buy items web for less.

Food shop alone and with list. Stick to list best you can

Twice a week brown bag your lunch to the office.

Eat over at your parent's house once a month, you save and your parents love it.

Buy in bulk to get betters savings.

Buy the Sunday newspaper, use the coupons to save the cost of the paper.
Find stores that offer double coupons values. Then shop on those days.

Use the web to find food coupons to save money.

What coupons you don't use, ask family, friends and co-workers if they need.
Sell your no longer needed and unused coupons on ebay.

At Home:

Turn off your electronic gizmos at night. Computers, DVD players, and VCR's, any gizmo that has a red light showing its really "on" when you are not using it; even in a "sleep" mode they consume electricity.

Check out garage sales, which can be a source of good-quality used items.

Hold a garage sale: Make lots of signs as to date and time.

Save money by only using cell phones and just doing away with a land line.

Learn how to do repairs yourself. There are plenty of guides on the internet and at your library.

Fix your leaky faucet or running toilet, both are things that can be repaired easily, cheaply.

Lights Out: Turn off un-needed lights, power down computers when not needed for long time.

Sometimes you don’t need to spend a lot of money entertaining your children. Most children, especially young ones, want most of all is your time. Reading a picture book with them is so cool to young ones.

Other Savings:

Shop Off-Season: Buy holiday cards, decorations and gift wrap as the season ends.

Roll those coins in your jars and piggy banks and put into your savings account.

Get a free library card, check out books and DVDs instead of buying or renting.

Swap skills: You fixed Bill's computer, Bill fixes your car.

If your company (military does) offer free taxes filing service take them up on it.

Go to movies at discount times vs Friday and Saturday nights or wait until the movie come out on DVD. Also don’t eat at movies.

Be happy with the stuff you have, stop keeping up with the 'Jones'.